A new fund supporting digital transformation in Taiwan’s news industry

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Publishers all around the world are adapting to the digital age— and in Taiwan, we’ve been working for years with local news publishers, partnering to help enable their digital transformation.

Today, we’re announcing a new initiative to support the digital future and prosperity of the news industry in Taiwan, as well as growing diversity and the quality of journalistic content for Taiwanese news readers. Working with the Digital Transformation Association (DTA) and with support from the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MODA) and key industry partners, we’re launching the Taiwan News Digital Co-prosperity Fund. The fund’s goal is to help Taiwanese publishers of all sizes build a digital foundation, expand their reach and improve audience engagement.

We’ve consulted with and listened to news publishers and policymakers in Taiwan and publishers say they want to hone digital skills, gain expertise and support the sustainable development of Taiwan’s news industry. We are committed to partnering to achieve these goals, and this new 300 million TWD investment will fund digital transformation projects proposed by news organizations. The funding will run over the course of three years, and it will be accompanied by ongoing training on digital skills through the Google News Initiative (GNI).

We appreciate the support and collaboration of the Ministry of Digital Affairs and believe that together, we can create shared value through collaboration and cross-industry cooperation.

We want to acknowledge the role of the Digital Transformation Association (DTA) in making this initiative possible. As the independent administrator of this fund, we appreciate the expertise and integrity they will bring to the delivery of this program.

We appreciate the guidance of the Taipei Newspaper Business Association, the Taipei Magazine Business Association, the Satellite Radio and Television Business Association and the Television Society, who have expressed their support for this initiative. Together, we are committed to advancing our shared goals.


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