How to create meeting notes in Google Docs

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If you’re the designated notetaker for a meeting, it can be a mad dash to get organized: You need to quickly create a document, mark who’s there and start jotting down both notes and action items. Then, eventually, you need to figure out a way to clean up that information and share it with your fellow attendees — ideally somewhere they can easily find it whenever they need it.

Google Docs’ meeting notes template can take care of all those steps for you. In just a few clicks on your computer, you’ll get a customized template that pulls details from the Google Calendar event you select — including the meeting’s date, title and attendees. The template will also insert specific sections for notes and action items (with a satisfying checklist to cross off completed tasks).

Here’s how to set up a meeting notes template in Google Docs:

1. Open a new or existing Google Doc on your computer.

2. Type “@” in the Doc.

3. Select “Meeting notes” from the “Building Blocks” section.

4. A drop-down of events from your Google Calendar will appear. Click the event you want to take notes for. If the event you’re looking for isn’t there, start typing its name after the “@” symbol to find it.


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