New research from the UK focused on technology’s role in healthcare

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Technology has allowed us to take more personal control of many aspects of our lives — our banking, our travel and our shopping, for example. But when it comes to our health, digital innovation has yet to be fully adopted globally, including here in the UK.

Google Health has worked in partnership with the NHS Confederation — the membership organisation that brings together, supports and speaks for the whole healthcare system in England, Wales and Northern Ireland — to undertake research into the role technology can play in transforming our health and care.

Funded by Google, Ipsos conducted research across 1,037 adults in the UK, including 332 with long-term health conditions. Through a mixture of online surveys, and focus groups with individuals living with long-term conditions, we’ve gained a deeper understanding of people’s behaviours, attitudes and beliefs about responsibility and control when it comes to their health, the role that health technologies play in this, and their expectations about the future of healthcare.

Key findings from the report

While individuals feel accountable for their health and wellbeing and want to be empowered to improve it, what is evident is that they often lack the confidence, tools and technologies to take control as much as they would like.


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