Simpler data privacy for advertisers with confidential matching

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Secure by default

For advertisers, the use of confidential computing means added protections for your customers’ information that are secure by default. Other technical assurances include transparency into a product’s code and the ability to receive proof, known as “attestation,” that data is processed as intended.

TEEs are already a proven technology, used across different industries to protect data like passwords and credit card numbers. For example, Confidential Space — part of Google Cloud’s confidential computing portfolio — is used by MonetaGo for secure financial fraud detection. In other applications, it enables privacy preserving data sharing between businesses because of its unique security properties. We’re using this same Confidential Space technology, which has already received rigorous security reviews from third-party auditors, as the technical foundation in Ads for confidential matching.

In line with our privacy principles, we’re committed to making confidential computing and other complementary technologies accessible to everyone. That is why confidential matching will be available at no additional cost to customers. Also, we’re sharing our TEE architecture along with a few open source examples to help others build confidential solutions. We’re continuing to work alongside others in the ads industry to further adoption of and build standards for this privacy enhancing technology.

“IAB Tech Lab has been advocating for privacy-enhancing technologies for years. Google’s use of confidential computing shows the continued momentum in adopting PET-powered solutions. We look forward to working with Google and others across the industry to evolve Tech Lab’s technical best practices and guidelines, open technical standards, and open-source solutions. We need collaboration in these areas to ensure the success of privacy-enhancing technologies in the digital ad economy.”
— Anthony Katsur, CEO, IAB Tech Lab


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